Cover image of the game

Keep Driving is a turn-based “combat” game about a road trip in the early 2000s. We tried the demo, which is available right now on Steam.

Release Date: TBD
Genre: Adventure, RPG
Developer: YCJY Games
Publisher: YCJY Games
Platforms: Steam (reviewed)


The core gameplay loop is simple: you choose a destination on the map and you will encounter multiple situations that you will solve in a turn-based combat while driving. Instead of traditional health, you must balance your Energy, Gas, Money, and Car’s durability.
After reaching your destination, you can find a couple of things to interact with. Such as a gas station where you can refill your car and buy items, a diner, and a hitchhiker that will join you and help during “combats”.

Screenshot 1

Visual and Art Style

The Art is what brought me to review this game in the first place. The background and UI are this realistic high-resolution pixel art that just nails the vibe perfectly.

Screenshot 2

Sound and Atmosphere

Everyone knows the music is primordial to a good road trip, and the devs clearly know it too because the soundtrack is really good.

Difficulty and Replayability

The game is pretty difficult, but I will admit that I do not often play turn-based games so it might be a skill issue.
Also, when starting the game you can select the relationship you will have with your parents which acts kind of like a difficulty setting, because calling your parents can save you from a car breakdown if you are lucky.

As for replayability, it’s hard to say from the demo, but the developers mentioned 1-4 hours per ending.

Final Thoughts

If you are looking for a new RPG game, give Keep Driving a try!

Watch the trailer for Keep Driving below